Search Results
RubyConf 2017: JRuby: What Why How ... Do it Now! by Thomas Enebo & Charles Nutter
RubyConf 2015 - JRuby 9000 Is Out; Now What? by Thomas Enebo and Charles Nutter
RubyConf 2018 - JRuby 2018: Real World Performance by Thomas Enebo & Charles Nutter
RubyConf 2022: Using JRuby: What, When, How, and Why by Charles Nutter
RubyConf 2019 - JRuby: Zero to Scale! 🔥 by Charles Oliver Nutter and Thomas E Enebo
RubyConf 2016 - JRuby Everywhere! Server, Client, and Embedded by Thomas Enebo
Why JRuby? by Charles Nutter
Charles Nutter - JRuby in 2017: Fast, Compatible, and Concurrent, RubyConfBY 2017
RubyConf 2010 - JRuby Hacking Guide by: Thomas Enebo, Charles Nutter
JRuby with Charles Nutter
JRuby: The Hard Parts with Charles Nutter
What the hell is a JRuby?